Re: sniffers

Mr Martin J Hargreaves (
Mon, 1 May 1995 14:24:03 +0100 (BST)

On Mon, 1 May 1995, Jas wrote:

> Asriel DeCatte wrote this...
> > Look for /dev/nit (Sun's network interface tap, a device that allows
> > the system direct raw access to a network) if you have a Sun. I
> > don't know what the correspondents to the NIT are on other systems
> > (can anyone elucidate on this topic? 

	I believe it is /dev/eth? where eth0 is the first card, eth1 the 
next, etc. under Linux. tcpdump certainly uses /dev/eth0 on my box.



| Martin Hargreaves, 		  |
| Undergraduate Computational Chemist    		       |
| WWW Server Admin       |